Delegations and Visitors


The Vice Provost for Global Initiatives (VPGI) and UTSA Global Initiatives hosts 40+ international delegations throughout the year including international academic VIPs, foreign ambassadors, and other partner nation representativesThe VPGI also hosts international guests of the UT System, the City of San Antonio, the U.S. Department of State, and other partnersOther international visits stem from UTSA faculty and staff collaboration with counterparts and colleagues worldwide.

Global Initiatives hosts delegations whose principal objective is to meet with the President, Provost, and Vice Provost for Global Initiatives. If your delegation would like to include a visit with UTSA leadership, please contact us, otherwise, please explore the tools we have available to help coordinate your visit.

If you are a UTSA colleague in charge of hosting an international visitor or delegation, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Review the Guidelines, Procedures, and Resources to host a Delegation.
  2. Email Robert Mitchell, Research Integrity Manager, at and request a compliance screening screening of your guest and their institution. (This is standard procedure for all international guests.) 
  3. Determine the financial obligations of your department and your guest to accomplish the visit.
  4. To make your planning easier, use these templates
    1. Formal invitation letter Template (visa purposes, travel approvals)
    2. Agenda Template
    3. Name tents template
  5. Extend a formal invitation and send calendar invites


To ensure all international visitors receive the protocols afforded to their positions and to ensure adherence to federal regulations and UTSA guidelines, VPGI developed procedures to assist all UTSA employees.  Click here for the "Toolkit for Hosts of International Delegations."

The table below is a guide to determine who will host and coordinate an international visit.   

delegations toolkit
Visit Purpose UTSA Global Initiatives Coordinates the Visit College/Dept/Office Coordinates the Visit
The primary purpose is to have a meeting with the Provost or the President and it has been approved. X



The international visitor is a dignitary. X
The primary purpose is to meet with the VPGI X
The visitor(s) is a guest of the UT System, city, state or federal government. X
The primary purpose is to sign an international academic agreement. The VPGI will coordinate the ceremony and executive-level meetings; the faculty counterpart will coordinate other events, tours, etc., if applicable X
A UTSA faculty or staff member invited the guest or delegation. X
The primary purpose is to collaborate with faculty/staff counterparts. X
The purpose of the visit is to serve as a speaker or trainer at the request of faculty. X
The visitor is a visiting scholar or researcher X
The delegation is comprised mainly of students X
The visitor just wants to visit campus and get a campus tour. X
The visitor is a counterpart/colleague of a faculty or staff member and requested a visit to UTSA or self-invited. X