Coffee & Conversation
No matter your first language, Coffee & Conversation can help you expand your horizons. We invite all UTSA students to come spend your lunch hour with Coffee & Conversation, where international and domestic students gather and build inter-cultural connections.
Weekly Coffee & Conversation meet-ups are held on Wednesdays from 1 pm - 2 pm in the Mesquite Room (SU 2.01.24). Come hungry, snacks will be provided!
Spring 2025 Schedule: February 12, February 19, February 26, March 19, March 26*, April 9, April 16, April 23, April 30. Check our instagram for updates!
*Location change for March 26 only: Bexar Room HEB Student Union 1.102
View the event on our RowdyLink page.
Grab your favorite beverage and come join the conversation!
Email: leidy.bellocristancho@utsa.edu
Graduate School and Research Building, room 2.116