Two male students grasping hands in a friendly greeting

Global Connections

As part of the English Language Center’s commitment to giving both our international and domestic students a complete cultural experience, we have created a collaboration called the Global Connections Program.

Global Connections pairs an international student with a student from the United States to practice English, learn more about American culture, and build connections within the UTSA community.

To apply, click here.

For Domestic Students:

Are you interested in meeting people from all over the world? Do you need volunteer hours?

The Global Connections Program is a great opportunity for you. By volunteering just one hour a week, you can broaden your horizons and enhance an international student’s experience.

For International Students:

Meet students from the United States who will help you immerse yourself in American and San Antonian culture. You’ll meet new friends and experience new adventures in the U.S.

If you have any questions about the Global Connections program, contact:
Cristian Aldrete
Graduate School and Research Building, room 2.116