Mathematics Education Track

Program Description

This track leads to a Master of Science degree in Mathematics Education at UTSA. In addition to satisfying the University-wide graduate admission requirements, a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Mathematics or Statistics or a closely related field is highly recommended as preparation. Students who do not qualify for unconditional admission should anticipate that additional undergraduate and/or graduate coursework may be required to complete the degree. It is recommended that the applicant submit two letters of reference, preferably from those who can speak to the applicant’s mathematical abilities. Diverse: Issues In Higher Education magazine acknowledged UTSA as one of the nation’s “top STEM degree producers” in August 2013. UTSA’s Mathematics and Statistics programs were ranked 12th nationally for the number of master’s degrees awarded to minority students during the 2011-2012 academic year.

Learn more about admission to this program.

Read full program information.


Scheduled to begin instruction:




Graduate Admission Requirements

Graduate Admission requirements vary by program. Please check your individual degree program for more details.

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • 1-Semester Pathway: TOEFL iBT 71 or equivalent
  • 2-Semester Pathway: TOEFL iBT 61 or equivalent

To apply for the Graduate Pathway, you must submit the following:

  • Graduate School Application: 2025-2026
  • Non-Refundable Application Fee: $90
  • Official TOEFL / IELTS Test Scores / Duolingo
  • Passport & Confirmation of Financial Resources (after program admission)

View the video guide on the application process here!

For complete details: Graduate Admissions Checklist

For important deadlines: Graduate Application Deadline

If you need assistance with your application, contact English Language Center at:

Sample Course Maps - M.S. in Mathematics Education


[Sample Course Map] Graduate Program: Mathematics Education Track, 2 Semester

2-Semester Pathway
Course Map

Program Components

9 credit hours apply from pathway toward degree completion (M.S. in Mathematics Education)
27 credit hours remaining toward degree completion (M.S. in Mathematics Education)


Entry requirements
  • Bachelor’s Degree in related field of study
  • TOEFL iBT 61 or equivalent
  • Meet admission requirements for track
Semester 1 Progression Requirements
  • 80% or above in all non-credit courses
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA in all credit-bearing courses

These courses are delivered through the UTSA English Language Center and are required to develop English proficiency

Course Title ELC hours
Credit-bearing hours
Communication for Academic Discourse 3
Reading for Academic Success II 3
Student Success I 3
MAT 5023 Problem-Solving Seminar 3
Total 12
Semester 2
Course Title ELC hours
Credit-bearing hours
Advanced Communication 3
Writing for Academic Success 3
Student Success II 3
MAT 5033 Foundations and Fundamental Concepts
of Mathematics
MAT 5043 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 3
Total 15

[Sample Course Map] Graduate Program: Mathematics Education Track, 1 Semester
1-Semester Pathway
Course Map

Program Components

6 credit hours apply from Pathway toward degree completion (M.S. in Mathematics Education)
30 credit hours remaining toward degree completion (M.S. in Mathematics Education)

Entry requirements
  • Bachelor’s Degree in related field of study
  • TOEFL iBT 71 or equivalent
  • Meet admission requirements for track
Semester 1 Progression Requirements
  • 80% or above in all non-credit courses
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA in all credit-bearing courses

These courses are delivered through the UTSA English Language Center and are required to develop English proficiency

Course Title ELC hours
Credit-bearing hours
Advanced Communication 3
Writing for Academic Success 3
Student Success II 3
MAT 5023 Problem-Solving Seminar 3
MAT 5043 Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 3
Total 15
See the full course descriptions and semester availability here.

Tuition & Fees

UTSA offers top-quality education and services at a competitive price. Click here to learn more about tuition and fees for the Mathematics Education Track.

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