Study Abroad FAQs
What's on This Page
Why Should I Study Abroad?
What are the benefits of studying abroad?
What are the benefits of studying abroad?
What are the eligibility requirements for studying abroad?
Advising and Information Sessions
Does the Study Abroad Office offer information sessions about the process of studying abroad?
Does the Study Abroad Office offer one-on-one advising appointments?
How can I contact the Study Abroad Office if I have questions?
Application Deadlines and Process
When will I know if I am accepted to the program I have applied to?
How much is the application fee? When do I pay it?
A $75 application fee is assessed for all students applying to participate in study abroad and exchange programs. There is also an Education Abroad Program Fee for credit-bearing programs of $150. These fees are non-refundable.
After we have reviewed and accepted your application, you will be charged the fees listed above. These charges will be billed to your ASAP account.
UTSA-Led Programs
What is a UTSA-led program?
Do we pick our own classes in a UTSA-led Program?
Exchange Programs
What is an exchange program?
What is the application process like for an exchange program?
Provider Programs
What is a provider program?
What is the application process like for a provider program?
How do we find out which classes are offered for each study abroad program?
How do I make sure I receive credit for my study abroad courses?
One of the most important goals for your study abroad experience is to make certain that while you are abroad, you are still making normal progress towards graduation. Before applying to study abroad, make sure to meet with your academic advisor to ensure this opportunity fits well with your degree plan.
Receiving credit for your opportunity abroad involves completing and submitting the Credit Transfer Verification Form (You do not have to complete a Credit Verification form for UTSA-led programs).
As of February 16, 2024*, we will begin using Docusign to complete the Credit Verification Form:
- To begin the Credit Verification Form process, please send an email to studyabroad@utsa.edu with the subject "Credit Verification Form".
- Once we receive this message, our office will send you the form via Docusign and you will complete the first section.
- Docusign will then send the form onto the Study Abroad Office to complete sections 2-4. The form will then be sent to your advisor.
- You should plan to meet with your advisor to work with them on sections 5-6. Once the form is complete, both you and your advisor will sign the form in Docusign and you, your advisor, and the Study Abroad Office will all receive a copy.
- If you have already began the Credit Verification Form process with the original PDF form, you may continue the previous process and do not need to request a Docusign form.