External Scholarships
There are many funding opportunities available specifically for studying abroad! By taking advantage of all opportunities available to you, studying abroad can potentially be more affordable than studying domestically.
Check out the links below to find nationally competitive awards and scholarships for study abroad!

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
Over 3,600 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year for U.S. citizen undergraduates to study or intern abroad.

Boren Awards
The Boren Awards fund the intensive study of language and culture abroad by U.S. undergraduate or graduate students. All eligible applicants have the option to either apply for a Regional Flagship Language Initiative or select/design their own study program.

Critical Language Scholarship
Applicants who are studying a critical need language while abroad can apply for a supplemental award of up to $3,000, for a combined total of $8,000.

Gilman-McCain Scholarship
The Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides awards of $5,000 for child dependents of active duty service members to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs.

Study Abroad in Japan: Bridging Scholarship
The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan, which makes it possible to award about 100 scholarships each year.

The Freeman-ASIA program is designed to support U.S.-based undergraduates with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.

Fund for Education Abroad
FEA makes life-changing, international experiences accessible to all by supporting minority, community college, and first-generation college students before, during, and after they participate in education abroad programs.

Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Seventy-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year.