Enabled Abroad

Learn how people with disabilities are perceived in your host country. This will help you know what to expect in terms of discrimination and accessibility abroad. Remember that your host country’s attitudes toward people with disabilities may be drastically different from what you’re used to in the U.S. Don’t let these challenges dissuade you from studying abroad. By living in another country, you’ll gain a new perspective on how other cultures treat people with disabilities. Your experiences abroad will help you grow.
Questions to ask:
  • How are people with my disability viewed abroad?
  • How should I respond if people give me unsolicited help?
  • Am I willing to disclose my disability to others?
  • How accessible are places in the host country?
  • Will my disability prevent me from participating in certain excursions because of inaccessibility?
  • Talk with other students with disabilities and learn about their experiences abroad.
  • Let your counselor or program director know about your disability if you are comfortable doing so so that as many accommodations as possible can be made.
  • Keep in mind that places abroad may not be as accessible as you are used to.
  • Remember that people with disabilities may be treated differently than you are accustomed to.
  • Research before you go so you have some idea of what to expect.
  • Be flexible and think creatively about how you can accommodate your disability abroad.